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Showing last 15 entries.

Date  Subscribers Views Videos
2025-03-12 Wed 4,320,000 - 1,345,104,043 - 1,357 -
2025-03-10 Mon 4,320,000 - 1,345,104,043 - 1,357 -
2025-03-08 Sat 4,320,000 - 1,345,104,043 - 1,357 -
2025-03-06 Thu 4,320,000 - 1,345,104,043 +118,107 1,357 -
2025-03-04 Tue 4,320,000 - 1,344,985,936 +264,432 1,357 -
2025-03-02 Sun 4,320,000 - 1,344,721,504 +106,982 1,357 -
2025-03-01 Sat 4,320,000 - 1,344,614,522 +136,937 1,357 -
2025-02-27 Thu 4,320,000 - 1,344,477,585 +247,075 1,357 -
2025-02-26 Wed 4,320,000 - 1,344,230,510 +252,035 1,357 -
2025-02-24 Mon 4,320,000 - 1,343,978,475 +141,878 1,357 -
2025-02-23 Sun 4,320,000 - 1,343,836,597 +262,232 1,357 -
2025-02-21 Fri 4,320,000 - 1,343,574,365 - 1,357 -
2025-02-20 Thu 4,320,000 - 1,343,574,365 +136,865 1,357 +1
2025-02-19 Wed 4,320,000 - 1,343,437,500 +121,827 1,356 -
2025-02-18 Tue 4,320,000 - 1,343,315,673 - 1,356 -
Total Summary - +1,788,370 +1

Future Projections

Here you can see the approximated future projections based on your previous days averages

Time Until Date Subscribers Views Videos
Current Stats 2025-03-12 4,320,000 1,345,104,043 1,357
30 days 2025-04-11 4,320,000 1,347,786,613 1,387
60 days 2025-05-11 4,320,000 1,350,469,183 1,417
3 months 2025-06-10 4,320,000 1,353,151,753 1,447
6 months 2025-09-08 4,320,000 1,361,199,463 1,537
9 months 2025-12-07 4,320,000 1,369,247,173 1,627
1 year 2026-03-12 4,320,000 1,377,741,978 1,722
1 year and half 2026-09-10 4,320,000 1,394,016,236 1,904
2 years 2027-03-12 4,320,000 1,410,379,913 2,087
Based on an average of - Subscribers /day +89,419 Views /day +1 Videos /day

Last Videos

Last uploaded videos from this youtube channel.

Date Title Views Likes Dislikes Comments
2025-02-19 See you Ling Ling Wannabe.. 99,061 8,024 0 885
2024-12-22 B²TSM - 'Forever Symphon.. 276,159 19,686 0 1,939
2024-12-22 B²TSM - 'Forever Symphon.. 41,226 2,524 0 184
2024-12-22 We answer everything 407,460 19,779 0 1,311
2024-12-21 B²TSM - Behind the Scene.. 77,413 5,915 0 277
2024-12-21 Shostakovich would… 136,866 10,999 0 158
2024-12-19 Shostakovich (B²TSM) - '.. 158,027 11,483 0 729
2024-12-18 Shostakovich (B²TSM) - '.. 37,877 2,757 0 191
2024-12-16 Tchaikovsky (B²TSM) - 'L.. 210,492 14,140 0 1,090
2024-12-14 Tchaikovsky (B²TSM) - 'L.. 77,044 4,031 0 241
2024-12-12 Beethoven (B²TSM) - 'Lib.. 208,643 15,326 0 998
2024-12-11 Beethoven (B²TSM) - 'Lib.. 54,316 3,746 0 307
2024-12-09 Mozart (B²TSM) - 'Papa .. 426,744 29,822 0 1,770
2024-12-08 Mozart (B²TSM) - 'Papa W.. 123,878 7,030 0 482
2024-12-05 Bach (B²TSM) - 'I'm Bach.. 545,205 36,611 0 2,817
2024-12-03 Bach (B²TSM) - 'I'm Bach.. 243,102 15,273 0 2,552
2024-10-12 Correct answer should hav.. 20,465 1,405 0 20
2024-10-12 Alexa play London Bridge .. 32,619 1,667 0 9
2024-10-11 Bach is just built differ.. 29,423 1,984 0 29
2024-10-11 Shaky boi 36,378 1,825 0 30
2024-10-11 How To Overcome Performan.. 39,238 2,709 0 42
2024-10-10 Keep your friends clos.. 64,074 3,542 0 31
2024-10-10 Why Bach is the GOAT Comp.. 295,034 11,387 0 2,212
2024-10-10 When Brett tries to be co.. 26,766 1,703 0 23
2024-10-09 As if auditions weren't h.. 27,710 1,955 0 11
2024-10-09 When the trauma becomes m.. 39,944 2,772 0 13
2024-10-08 MUSIC STUDENT With ANXIET.. 88,998 6,235 0 562
2024-10-08 guys Edward Cullen is.. 119,383 6,425 0 44
2024-10-08 Backup musician career.. 47,432 3,079 0 18
2024-10-02 Name That Melody in 1 Not.. 179,973 8,517 0 586
2024-09-27 MUSICIAN Tries to Get a G.. 209,742 14,542 0 1,024
2024-09-26 It's not the wrong tempo,.. 67,365 3,779 0 72
2024-09-25 New core workout: practic.. 94,871 5,150 0 42
2024-09-24 Playing Violin in SPACE!? 71,809 5,131 0 418
2024-09-20 The Truth Behind Why Viol.. 120,361 7,744 0 832
2024-09-18 Youtube help this guy get.. 153,836 9,629 0 316
2024-09-11 What Makes a Good Classic.. 161,799 9,845 0 593
2024-09-08 Satisfaction 155,523 8,970 0 105
2024-09-05 Can We Play the Deadliest.. 247,363 12,731 0 1,145
2024-08-30 Celine Dion is a Rachmani.. 195,739 13,933 0 149
2024-08-30 Random Violin Concerto Ch.. 135,960 9,976 0 527
2024-08-29 When Red Velvet takes ins.. 94,281 7,333 0 83
2024-08-28 Do Hollywood Movies Use C.. 186,104 11,540 0 522
2024-08-27 Gergiev conducts Rite.. 52,868 2,902 0 19
2024-08-26 When you're trying to fol.. 74,223 3,576 0 20
2024-08-23 That One Friend That Only.. 125,084 10,775 0 542
2024-08-21 Good vs Bad Conductors - .. 162,251 8,432 0 392
2024-08-21 When you can only express.. 116,715 8,794 0 74
2024-08-17 When You Only Express Fee.. 102,997 8,726 0 336
2024-08-16 No one plays Prokofiev li.. 88,662 6,054 0 55

Videos Stats Chart

Last successful check date: 2025-03-12 14:18:51 Last check date: 2025-03-12 14:18:51 Time Zone: Asia/Singapore

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